Sunday, August 17, 2008

Obama and McCain with Rick Warren - Faith Forum

Proof that there is a religious test for office in the United States...


sidfaiwu August 18, 2008 at 1:32 PM  

Thanks for posting those videos. It was disturbing but interesting. Every time I see/hear so many Americans applauding religious-based oppression of women and separate-but-equal policies towards homosexuals, I seriously consider learning Swedish or Danish just in case. I looks like we are just taking one more step towards theocratic mob-rule.

SkeptiCool August 18, 2008 at 11:22 PM  

Yeah, this is an unsettling trend. It is apperant that the Democrats understand that they need increase their share of the "value" vote to win the campaign. It would have been interesting to have lived during the Kennedy era when the idea of keeping one's religion to themself was better appreciated. Probably the most disgusting pandering I've witnessed so far was a statement from Hilary Clinton during CNN's Compassion Forum when she said, "The incredible demands that God places on us and that the prophets ask of us, and that Christ called us to respond to on behalf of the poor, are unavoidable. It's always been curious to me how our debate about religion in America too often misses that..." That's sounds so scripted and phoney coming from her...