Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Legality of Abortion and Pro-Life Irrationality

This is a video showing how anti-abortion demonstrators responded when asked what the punishment for women who had abortions ought to be if they were illegal.

Most of them appeared to have given little if any thought to the implications of criminalizing abortions. In fact, most of the demonstrators said there shouldn’t be any punishment for illegal abortions. Well, then what’s the point, right? What’s really funny/disturbing is that some of these people have been protesting for years and hadn’t even thought about it!

I wonder if there have been any surveys conducted that probe people on what they think the punishment for illegal abortions should be (assuming they are pro-life)?

Is this an accurate representation of the pro-life public at large?

Does anyone know what the penalty for having an illegal abortion in the U.S. or elsewhere used to be? I’ve researched casually but so far I haven’t found much…

Thanks to the AtCenterNetwork for producing this short video (~7 minutes in length). Note, this video can also be found on YouTube under the title Libertyville Abortion Demonstration.

Further reading: Here is a link to Sid Faiwu's blog featuring a debate on the morality of Abortion.


sidfaiwu July 24, 2008 at 9:52 AM  

What a jaw-dropping video. Mind if I repost it on my blog with a link here, where I found it?

I found no survey nor statistics either. But most anti-choicers probably don't think too deeply about much. It takes a certain kind of shallow understanding of Christianity to accept the idea that God opposes abortions. The "life begins at conception" idea was invented in order to convert America's religiosity into political will (to elect Reagan, actually).

Finding information about the historic penalty for having an abortion is a bit tough to find. Every site that had information was writing from one side of the issue or another. What I could gather (from an anti-choice site not worth linking) was that prior to Roe v. Wade, states decided on the legality and punishments for abortions. Thus it varied from no penalty in states where is was legal to 'jail time'.

PS Thanks for linking the debate!

SkeptiCool July 24, 2008 at 8:56 PM  

That would be great if you reposted this video and I would certainly appreciate the link. I was actually going to embed this video from YouTube, like I do my other videos, but they had the embeding option disabled so I had to download it and then upload it myself...

Thanks for the penality info. The Reagen election hypothesis sounds interesting - I'll have to look into it.

sidfaiwu July 25, 2008 at 12:38 PM  

This book excerpt is a good place to start.